TRAINING: Northumbria University
Television credits include: Inside Out, Boy Meets Girl, Vera.
Theatre credits include: The Dolly Mixtures, The Big Time (The Customs House Theatre), The Great Gatsby (Theatre Clwyd/Halifax Square Chapel Arts/Castle Howard – Belgian Tour), The Battling Ettricks, An Excess Of Overcoats, Laurel & Hardy (Cloud Nine Theatre), The End, Break Free, Choirplay, John Johnson And The Liberal Luddite, Letters Home (Live Theatre, Newcastle) Robin Hood (Bolton Abbey/Gobbledigook Theatre), Cow Juice (Northern Stage), Squirrels, Bastards (WAC Theatre), After The Ice (Queens Hall Theatre, Hexham), Camden Theatre, Continuum, Home Free (Alphabetti Theatre), The Happy Scatty Scarecrow ( Gibber Theatre).